This is the base class for a new GuiElement, meant to remedy some problems of GuiElement. Most notably, instances of this class are not aware of their position, and instead receive all coordinates passed in (in methods such as mouseClick) as coordinates relative to themselves, and draw onto a pre transformed GL matrix stack. Additionally, these elements now properly handle focus.
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open fun <T> foldChildren(initial: T, @NotNull visitor: @NotNull BiFunction<@NotNull GuiComponent, T, T>): T
Walk over the direct children of this element.
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fun <T> foldRecursive(initial: T, @NotNull visitor: @NotNull BiFunction<@NotNull GuiComponent, T, T>): T
Walk the scene tree of this gui element, including children of children.
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open fun keyboardEvent(@NotNull event: @NotNull KeyboardEvent, @NotNull context: @NotNull GuiImmediateContext): Boolean
Called by the parent renderer.
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open fun mouseEvent(@NotNull mouseEvent: @NotNull MouseEvent, @NotNull context: @NotNull GuiImmediateContext): Boolean
Called by the parent renderer.
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This method is called by the gui context when an element gains focus.
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This method is called by the gui context when an element loses focus.
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Called by the parent renderer.
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Call this method to request focus in the current gui context.
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