Package-level declarations


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Implement this interface alongside GuiComponent to receive an event when the gui closes.

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abstract class GuiComponent
This is the base class for a new GuiElement, meant to remedy some problems of GuiElement.
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open class GuiContext
A GuiContext manages focus and global state of a collection of gui elements.
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abstract class GuiElement
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data class GuiImmediateContext(val renderContext: RenderContext, val renderOffsetX: Int, val renderOffsetY: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int, val mouseX: Int, val mouseY: Int, val absoluteMouseX: Int, val absoluteMouseY: Int, val mouseXHF: Float, val mouseYHF: Float)

A context containing the constraints of a gui elements, as well as the state of the user interface, relative to that gui element.

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sealed interface KeyboardEvent
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sealed interface MouseEvent
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