
open class TextFieldComponent(val text: GetSetter<String>, preferredWidth: Int, val editable: Supplier<Boolean> = GetSetter.constant(true), val suggestion: String = "", val font: IFontRenderer = IMinecraft.instance.defaultFontRenderer) : GuiComponent(source)



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constructor(text: GetSetter<String>, preferredWidth: Int, editable: Supplier<Boolean> = GetSetter.constant(true), suggestion: String = "", font: IFontRenderer = IMinecraft.instance.defaultFontRenderer)


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object Companion


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open fun blur()

Unfocus this element only if this element is selected.

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open fun checkScrollOffset(width: Int)
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open fun <T : Any> foldChildren(initial: T, @NotNull visitor: @NotNull BiFunction<@NotNull GuiComponent, T, T>): T

Walk over the direct children of this element. A gui element that composites other gui elements should override this method. By default, the initial element is returned without change.

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fun <T : Any> foldRecursive(initial: T, @NotNull visitor: @NotNull BiFunction<@NotNull GuiComponent, T, T>): T

Walk the scene tree of this gui element, including children of children. By default, the visitor is called with only this element.

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open override fun getHeight(): Int

Get the requested y size for this element. This is opposed to the actual size given in the context. Giving this element less space than this may result in misaligned or overlapping rendering.

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open override fun getWidth(): Int

Get the requested x size for this element. This is opposed to the actual size given in the context. Giving this element less space than this may result in misaligned or overlapping rendering.

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open fun isFocused(): Boolean

Test if this element is focused.

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open fun isInFocus(): Boolean

Test if this element is focused, or has a focused child.

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open override fun keyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent, context: GuiImmediateContext): Boolean

Called by the parent renderer.

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open override fun mouseEvent(mouseEvent: MouseEvent, context: GuiImmediateContext): Boolean

Called by the parent renderer.

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open fun onGainedFocus()

This method is called by the gui context when an element gains focus. This does only get called if this element specifically is being focused.

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open fun onLostFocus()

This method is called by the gui context when an element loses focus. This does only get called if this element specifically was focused.

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open override fun render(context: GuiImmediateContext)

Called by the parent renderer. The GL matrix stack is pre-transformed, so rendering can begin at (0, 0) and should not render beyond what the context says is available.

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open fun requestFocus()

Call this method to request focus in the current gui context.

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open fun scrollCursorIntoView(width: Int)
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open fun setContext(context: GuiContext)
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open fun setFocus(shouldFocus: Boolean)

Focuses or blurs this element depending on shouldFocus

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open fun validateCursor()
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fun writeText(s: String, width: Int)