Package-level declarations


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data class AlignComponent(val child: GuiComponent, val horizontal: Supplier<HorizontalAlign>, val vertical: Supplier<VerticalAlign>) : GuiComponent
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class ButtonComponent(element: GuiComponent, insets: Int, val onClick: Runnable) : PanelComponent
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A gui element centers another gui element
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class CollapsibleComponent(val title: Supplier<GuiComponent>, val body: Supplier<GuiComponent>, val collapsedState: GetSetter<Boolean> = GetSetter.floating( true )) : GuiComponent
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A gui element composing multiple other gui elements by stacking them vertically.
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class HoverComponent(val child: GuiComponent, val hoverLines: Supplier<List<String>>) : GuiComponent
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open class IndirectComponent(val component: Supplier<out GuiComponent>) : GuiComponent
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open class ItemStackComponent(val itemStack: GetSetter<IItemStack>) : GuiComponent
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class MetaComponent(val beforeClose: Supplier<CloseEventListener.CloseAction>? = null, val afterClose: Runnable? = null, val requestClose: GetSetter<Runnable>? = null) : GuiComponent, CloseEventListener

Component providing XML wrappers and such the ability to wrap meta operations that operate on the entire screen. This component should be permanently mounted and does not impact layouting or rendering.

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Renders an element with a floating rect.
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A gui element composing multiple other gui elements by stacking them horizontally.
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class ScaleComponent(val child: GuiComponent, val scaleFactor: Supplier<Float>) : GuiComponent
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open class SliderComponent(val value: GetSetter<Float>, val minValue: Float, val maxValue: Float, val minStep: Float, width: Int) : GuiComponent
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class SpacerComponent(val width: Supplier<Int>, val height: Supplier<Int>) : GuiComponent
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A gui element displaying a switch to represent a boolean value.
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data class TabComponent(val tabs: List<TabComponent.Tab>, val selectedTabIndex: GetSetter<Int>) : GuiComponent
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A gui element which renders a string in a single line
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open class TextFieldComponent(val text: GetSetter<String>, preferredWidth: Int, val editable: Supplier<Boolean> = GetSetter.constant(true), val suggestion: String = "", val font: IFontRenderer = IMinecraft.instance.defaultFontRenderer) : GuiComponent
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class WhenComponent(val condition: Supplier<out Boolean>, val ifTrue: Supplier<out GuiComponent>, val ifFalse: Supplier<out GuiComponent>) : IndirectComponent