
open class ChromaColour(source)


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open fun forLegacyString(stringRepresentation: String): ChromaColour
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open fun fromRGB(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, chromaSpeedMillis: Int, a: Int): ChromaColour
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open fun fromStaticRGB(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int): ChromaColour
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open fun getEffectiveColour(offset: Float): Color
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Unlike getEffectiveColour, this offset does not change anything if not using an animated colour.
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open fun getSecondsForSpeed(speed: Int): Float
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open fun getSpeed(special: String): Int
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open fun rotateHue(argb: Int, degrees: Int): Int
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open fun special(chromaSpeed: Int, alpha: Int, rgb: Int): String
open fun special(chromaSpeed: Int, alpha: Int, r: Int, g: Int, b: Int): String
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open fun specialToChromaRGB(special: String): Int
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open fun specialToSimpleRGB(special: String): Int
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