

Legacy annotation for creating accordions. To use annotate a field in your category with this annotation. The content and type of the field do not matter, then place all the fields that should be within this collapsible accordion directly after that field and annotate the child fields with ConfigAccordionId. The label for the accordion are taken from a ConfigOption annotation on that same stub field.

 \@ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 10)
 \@ConfigOption(name = "Accordion name", desc = "")
 public boolean accordionField;

 \@ConfigAccordionId(id = 10)
 \@ConfigOption(name = "Child Option Name", desc = "Child Option Description")
 public boolean childField = true;


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abstract fun annotationType(): Class<out Annotation>
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abstract fun equals(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun id(): Int
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abstract fun toString(): String